Lenka Flory: community projects
in an international context

25. 4. 2023
After an international career as a performer, choreographer and producer, Lenka Flory is almost exclusively involved in the development and implementation of community art projects. During her lecture, which will take place on 12 May at the Department of Dance at the HAMU in Prague, she will present their theoretical and practical aspects and focus on the benefits that participation in community work can bring to professional artists and their personal creations.
Lenka Flory has already implemented community art projects in several European countries - in addition to the Czech Republic, for example in Italy, Germany and Iceland, and has worked with a number of diverse groups - teenagers, seniors, the Roma minority, refugees, etc.
The positive influence of art on the physical and mental health of society, specific target groups or the development of children is the subject of many studies and is increasingly important in the Western world. In their report Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing, the British cite the under-use of the arts as a tool for improving health and wellbeing in society:
„After engaging with the arts 79 % of people in deprived communities in London ate more healthy, 77% engaged in more physical aktivity and 82% enjoyed greater wellbeing.“
„Visual and performig arts in healthcare enviroments help to reduce sickness anxiety and stress.“
„The arts can help save money in the health service and social care.“