Summary of materials
In addition to the actual work with the target groups, the Be Part! project involved a number of different forms and methods of monitoring the project and evaluating its impact. Here we present a complete overview of the studies, records and films that reflect on the project.
We are very grateful to all those who have contributed to the documentation of the project outputs.
Conference recording
Be Part! Forum, June 2023 Prague
International Conference Be Part! Forum was a platform to summarize and exchange experiences of working with three very different communities in two different cultural environments and on the basis of three different artworks.
The meeting of participants from all parts of the project turned into an exceptional moment of sharing experiences that brought not only a lot of emotions, but especially a number of usually very precisely formulated evaluations of the methods, approaches and other aspects of the work carried out. The personal experiences of both the participants from the target groups and the professional performers gave everyone at least a glimpse into the atmosphere during the work with communities.
In the next part Mgr. Olivera Těsnohlídková from Masaryk University in Brno, who followed the part of the project in Iceland and summarized the conclusions of her research in her presentation.
A working record of the conference has been produced, please excuse its poor quality, which we believe is compensated by its content.
Sociological study
Mgr. Olivera Těsnohlídková, 2023
Mgr. Olivera Těsnohlídková from Masaryk University in Brno, Iceland, followed the implementation of the second part of the project cycle Be Part of Elegía delle cose perdute. Her work provided valuable insight into the benefits of community arts projects and the presentation of her results provides a very clear reflection of this part of the project.
Be Part! on Iceland
Petr Vejslík & Hákon Oddsson & al., Iceland 2023
The film documentation of the Icelandic part of the project was undertaken by director and cinematographer Petr Vejslík, who invited the Icelandic Film School and teacher Hákon Oddsson, who participated in the filming with his students. So far we have a short cut, which was made by Šárka Sklenářová. We are currently seeking funding for the post-production of a documentary that would reflect the entire Be Part!
Dancing Through the Ghetto
BPART & Czech TV, 2022
BPART in co-production with Czech Television made a documentary film Protancovat Cejlem, which follows the implementation of the first part of the project cycle Be Part of LOStheULTRAMAR. The documentary premiered on ČT on 8 March 2023 and has since been available on iBroadcast with EN subtitles.
In February 2023, the film was presented at the Berlin Avant Premiére.
In June 2023, a public screening was held at the Museum of Romani Culture in Brno as part of the Ghettofest festival.
In September 2023, the film was part of the Golden Prague festival, where it was included in the competition section.
Directed by David Butula and Linda Kallistová
Mgr. Dana Moore, Dr. et al. 2022
In addition to the documentary filmmakers, a team of anthropologists led by Mgr. Dana Moore. Dr. also followed the work with the Romani community in Brno. An excerpt from their study entitled Which factors influence participants of creative process on the level of self-development development of community? is freely available here.
Anthropological study
Kapka radosti, která může vrátit do života
Michaela Kessler, Lenka Flory, 2024
V říjnu 2024 nám vyšel v časopisu Dance Context Journal článek reflektující výsledky projektu Be Part! s titulem Kapka radosti, která může vrátit do života. Článek vychází z Case Study, která na závěr projektu vznikla a shrnuje zásadní poznatky a zkušenosti, které můžeme jak my, tak další realizátoři obdobných projektů v budoucnu uplatnit.
Dance Context Journal se soustředí na původní články populárně-naučného i vědeckého charakteru. Analyticky se věnuje aktuálním tématům a vývoji tance, nonverbálního divadla i nového cirkusu. Publikace v tištěné i elektronické verzi je vydávána jednou za rok, dvojjazyčně (česko-anglicky).