Open Call
15. 3. 2022
We are looking for performers, dancers, actors, musicians, circus and visual artists, directors and choreographers from the Czech Republic and Iceland for a compensated collaboration on a two-year international project that will take place in Brno, Reykjavik and Prague in collaboration with the Mexican ensemble Foco alAire.

The project is part of a 3-month European tour of the Mexican ensemble. They will perform in France, the UK, Italy and Hungary during May, June, July and September 2022. In the Czech Republic and Iceland, they will work 3-4 weeks to adapt their performance for a 15-member Czech-Icelandic-Mexican professional ensemble. In cooperation with local institutions, they will also work to include 50 members of the local community in their performance.
The project continues then in May 2023 in Prague to involve a specific community
in the capital, working on the same principles.
Deadline for the first selection: 31. 3. 2022
By 30/04/2022 the Artistic Directors of the Foco al Aire ensemble will announce the results of the online interviews and invite 30 selected performers (10-15 Czech and 10-15 Icelandic) to a 2-3 day seminar in Reykjavik (approx. 19-21/05/22) and in Brno (approx. 23-25/05/22).
For any further information do not hesitate to contact us.
Cooperation schedule
Step 1
First round of auditions
Send the online materials before the 31/03/22
Results will be announced by the 30/04/22
Second round of auditions
19-21/05/22 personal participation in a workshop Reykjavík
23-25/05/22 personal participation in a workshop Brno
25/05/22 announcement the 5 professional dancers-actors from Iceland and 5 from the Czech Republic selected to participate in the project.
Step 2
Creation in Reykjavík / Iceland
2nd or 4th week in June
Creation in Brno / Czech Republic
4th week in June or 1st week in July
Creation with the Mexican ensemble: 5 Mexican, 5 Czech and 5 Icelandic performers. Travel, meals and accommodation are paid through project budget.
Step 3
Cooperation with the Brno community and performance
July 2022
Daily cooperation with Brno citizens and the local Roma community divided into working groups. Irregular working hours, 8 hours a day.
Travel, meals and accommodation are paid through project budget.
Step 4
Cooperation with the Reykjavik community and performance
September 2022
Daily cooperation with Reykjavík citizens and the refugee community divided into working groups. Irregular working hours, 8 hours a day. Travel, meals and accommodation are paid through project budget.
Step 5
Cooperation with the Prague community and performance
May 2023
Daily cooperation with Prague citizens and the community of people requiring mental health services divided into working groups. Irregular working hours, 8 hours a day. Travel, meals and accommodation are through project budget.
Step 6
Attendance at an international conference
July 2023 – in the frame of Meeting Brno festival (1 day)
The contract is intended exclusively for the entire two-year project, ie for steps 2-6.
Gross fee: EUR 300,00 per week.